Workflow for Ortholog Prediction 



The workflow predicts orthologs given a set of two genomes using the criteria of bi-directional best hits. BLAST is used for detecting the orthologs. Initially the gene sets of two organisms are subjected to BLAST and orthologs are predicted in cases where the criteria of bi-directional best hits are satisfied. Genes are referred to as unique if they do not satisfy the criteria of bi-directional best hits. Such unique genes of a given organism are then searched against the genome of the other organism so as to cross-check if the genes have been missed due to the limitation of the gene prediction program. If significant matches are found at the genome level then it is not a unique gene and if no matches are detected then the genes are unique with respect to the other organism in consideration.


Input files required for this workflow:


  1. Proteome sequences in multi fasta format of the two organisms for which orthologs are to be detected (*.faa files)

Whole genome sequences of both organisms (*.fna files)



Fig:Translated implementation

Standard Tools


·        BLAST: Find regions of similarity between biological sequences.


Custom tools

It is a custom tool which performs two BLASTP programs at a time taking proteome of one of the organisms as input file and proteome of the other as database and vice-versa. It also fishes out the orthologs found using the bi-directional best hit criteria between the two organisms.


Usage of this tool: ./ input_seq1 input_seq2 Output_Directory

Where, is the tool

Input_seq1 and input_seq2 are the proteome sequence files of two organisms respectively. (in multi fasta format)

Output_Directory is the directory path for the output files.


Output of this tool:

1.      orthologsQuery.out is the list of orthologs reported by BBH tool

2.      hitReject.out is the file containing list of genes from input_seq1 for which no orthologs were reported. This goes as an input to TBLASTN in the next step.

3.      queryReject.out is the file containing list of genes from input_seq2 for which no orthologs were reported. This also goes as an input to TBLASTN in the next step.

4.      out1.out and out2.out are files containing summary reports of BLAST runs. Summarized BLAST report of input_seq1as query and input_seq2 as database is reported in out1.out and summarized BLAST report of input_seq2 as query and input_seq1 as database is reported in out2.out


It is a custom tool which reports the final orthologs, if found from two TBLASTN output, given the desired identity and query coverage as well as unique genes found in the respective two genomes. It takes as input three files, orthologsQuery.out file from BBH, and the two TBLASTN output from the previous nodes. Given the desired identity value and percentage query coverage, it looks for genuine orthologs, if missed previously, and appends the result to the file orthologsQuery.out. The genes which did not satisfy the given identity and percent query coverage criteria are reported as unique genes.


Usage of this tool: ./ first_input_file_name second_input_file_name orthologsQue Identities Query_Coverage output_directory

            Where, is the tool

First_input_file_name is the first TBLASTN output (i.e., TBLASTN result of queryReject.out as query with GenomeB as database)

Second_input_file_name is the second TBLASTN output (i.e., TBLASTN result of hitReject.out as query with GenomeA as database)

orthologsQue is the orthologsQuery.out file reported by BBH

Identity is similar to BLAST identity values and this parameter takes integers as input

Query_coverage is the percentage query coverage, which tells us how well our query is aligned to the database provided. It is calculated as follows:

            % query coverage = ({(query end – query start) + 1}/ query length)*100


            Output of this tool:


1.      orthologsQuery.out is the appended list of orthologs reported by OFB

2.      Uniquegene_A is the list of genes present in genomeA (first genome) for which no orthologs were reported against genomeB (second genome)

3.      Uniquegene_B is the list of genes present in genomeB (second genome) for which no orthologs were reported against genomeA (first genome).

4.   temp_out is a file containing summarized reports of the two TBLASTN runs.