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Black Bengal  
Male Female
General Information  
Species Goat
Synonym Bengal, Desi
Breeding Tract State District
West Bengal West Bengal
Location Minimum Maximum
Deg Min Deg Min
Longitude 84 94
Latitude 20 27
Comment on Breeding Tract The breed is distributed throughout West Bengal and adjoining parts of neighbouring states viz. Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Assam and Tripura.
Main Use Food - Meat; Others - Skin
Comment on main use Skins are of excellent quality and are highly priced.
Origin The breed derived its name from its native habitat -West Bengal state of India.
Herd Book or Rigister Established No
Breed Societies(if Any) No
Adaptability to Environment The breed is well adapted to the hot humid climatic conditions, wider range of vegetation, local management conditions, saline soil and water logging during rainy season.
Colour Predominantly black, brown, grey and white are also found.
Horns Present (M/F) Both
Number of Horns 2
Horns Shape and Size Small in size (<15), directed upward and sometime backward.
Visible Characteristics Small-legged goat. Hair coat is short and lustrous. Nose line is slightly depressed.
Hair or Wool
Fiber Type
Height(Avg cm) 44.9 44.3
Body Length(Avg cm) 43.8 42.6
Heart Girth(Avg cm) 60.3 58.9
Weight(Avg Kg) 32.37 20.38
Birth Weight(Avg Kg) 1.5 1.4 Overall 0
Management System Semi-Intensive
Mobility Stationary
Feeding of Adults Grazing and Fodder
Comments on Management Conditions Bengal goats are managed both by stall feeding and grazing. Shelter is provided during night as well as during inclement weather.
Average Minimum Maximum
Age at first Parturition(Avg.Months) 17.43 12 20
Parturition Interval(Months) 6.8 5.9 7.2
Milk yield per lactation(kg) 144 0 0
Milk Fat(%) 0 0 0
Litter Size Born 1.6 0 0
Fleece Weight(kg/year) 0 0 0
Staple Length(cm) 0 0 0
Fibre Diameter(µ) 0 0 0
Dressing percentage 55.8
Any Peculiarity of the breed This is the most prolific breed of goat. The breed is famous for excellent chevon and morocco leather production.
Year Population Other Information
  2004 18736721 Source: Network Project on Animal Genetic Resources, NBAGR, Karnal.
Source: Animal Genetic Resources of India- Information system (AGRI-IS) , National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, Karnal