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With advancement of science the breed identification techniques has moved from phenotype to molecular level identification using blue print of life i.e. DNA. DNA marker based identification of breed is always preferred as it’s highly accurate. Such method becomes absolutely indispensable when phenotype data/information is not at all available like ova, semen, embryo, biological tissue/carcass. Breed identification especially in admixture or non-descript population has been further challenging task in germplasm management and improvement.

This web server enables to identify Indian goat breeds using microsatellite DNA markers. This is first web server in the world for identification of any domestic animal species using DNA markers. This method can be used for other domestic animal species and breeds as well.

Classical approach of DNA marker based breed identification methods viz. frequency, Bayesian and genetic distance methods needs more number of loci thus increasing cost of breed testing disadvantageously Besides this especially when relative genetic differentiation of populations/breeds in question/investigation, are lower than the compromised accuracy makes such techniques highly ineffective in resolving the enigma of breed prediction. Thus to reduce the cost by decreasing number of loci to be genotyped, without compromising the magnitude of accuracy is imperative and highly desirable.

In this novel approach we have used ANN to decrease number of loci required very drastically with very high degree of accuracy of breed prediction which has been hitherto warranted. Users are requested to use prescribed markers to assign their unknown breed DNA based genotype data of goat. Visit to our web tutorial is highly recommended.

Collaborative Institutions

National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resourcesrces
Karnal-132 001, Haryana

Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institutetute
Library Avenue, PUSA, New Delhi 110012