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  Male Female
General Information  
Species Goat
Breeding Tract State District
Maharashtra Ahmadnagar
Maharashtra Solapur
Maharashtra Osmanabad
Location Minimum Maximum
Deg Min Deg Min
Longitude 72 78
Latitude 16 20
Comment on Breeding Tract
Main Use Food - Meat
Comment on main use
Origin The breed derived its name after Osmanabad district of Maharashtra.
Herd Book or Rigister Established No
Breed Societies(if Any) No
Adaptability to Environment
Colour Predominant colour is black. White colour is noticed only on ears and some spots on neck and forehead. Some animals are reddish in colour.
Horns Present (M/F) Both
Number of Horns 2
Horns Shape and Size Horns are straight/ curved and small in size (about 13 cm)running backward, upward and downward. .
Visible Characteristics Five types of animals are avaialable: 1. Entirely black with horns. 2. Entirely black with white ears and horns. 3. Entirely black and polled. 4. Entirely black, white ears and polled. 5. Brown and white patches from the face to lower side of the body
Hair or Wool
Fiber Type
Height(Avg cm) 77.87 74.79
Body Length(Avg cm) 69.12 67.51
Heart Girth(Avg cm) 72.06 72.04
Weight(Avg Kg) 33.66 32.52
Birth Weight(Avg Kg) 2.1 1.7 Overall 1.76
Management System Semi-Intensive
Mobility Stationary
Feeding of Adults Grazing, Fodder and Concentrate
Comments on Management Conditions
Average Minimum Maximum
Age at first Parturition(Avg.Months) 12.69 12 13
Parturition Interval(Months) 7.1 6.8 7.7
Milk yield per lactation(kg) 0 40 75
Milk Fat(%) 8.34 0 0
Litter Size Born 1.6 0 0
Fleece Weight(kg/year) 0 0 0
Staple Length(cm) 0 0 0
Fibre Diameter(µ) 0 0 0
Dressing percentage 50
Any Peculiarity of the breed The breed is known for early maturity, prolificacy and good dressing percentage
Year Population Other Information
  2012 14260 Source: Indian J Anim. Sci.,2012,82(2):223-30.
Source: Animal Genetic Resources of India- Information system (AGRI-IS) , National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, Karnal