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  Male Female
General Information  
Species Goat
Synonym Tara Bakari
Breeding Tract State District
Gujarat Rajkot
Gujarat Surendranagar
Location Minimum Maximum
Deg Min Deg Min
Longitude 70 56 71 43
Latitude 22 18 22 43
Comment on Breeding Tract Also found in pockets of Mehsana, Ahemdabad and Bhavnagar districts of Gujarat state
Main Use Food - Milk and Meat
Comment on main use
Origin The breed derived its name from the then Zalawad province of Kathiawad now known as Surendranagar district of Gujarat.
Herd Book or Rigister Established No
Breed Societies(if Any) No
Adaptability to Environment The breed is well adapted to the harsh climatic conditions, wider range of vegetation, local management conditions of the region.
Colour Body is covered with black, lustrous, shining hairs.
Horns Present (M/F) Both
Number of Horns 2
Horns Shape and Size Horns are cork-screw type moving straight upwards, backwards and slightly outward with pointing tips.
Visible Characteristics Long, wide leaf like and drooping ears. Well developed udder with distinctly placed teat of long size of cylindrical shape projecting slightly outward and forward.
Hair or Wool
Fiber Type
Height(Avg cm) 84.61 73.16
Body Length(Avg cm) 81.07 73.03
Heart Girth(Avg cm) 86.11 75.89
Weight(Avg Kg) 38.8 33
Birth Weight(Avg Kg) 3.08 2.84 Overall 0
Management System Extensive
Mobility Stationary
Feeding of Adults Grazing and Concentrate
Comments on Management Conditions
Average Minimum Maximum
Age at first Parturition(Avg.Months) 22.17 0 0
Parturition Interval(Months) 11.27 0 0
Milk yield per lactation(kg) 294 0 0
Milk Fat(%) 0 0 0
Litter Size Born 0 1 3
Fleece Weight(kg/year) 0 0 0
Staple Length(cm) 0 0 0
Fibre Diameter(µ) 0 0 0
Dressing percentage 0
Any Peculiarity of the breed
Year Population Other Information
  2008 260000 Source: Indian J Anim. Sci.,2012,82(2):223-30.
Source: Animal Genetic Resources of India- Information system (AGRI-IS) , National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, Karnal