Sequence Submission Portal

An overall goal of this portal is to establish a large agricultural genomic sequence database at national level. This system will provide an extensive vocabulary describing features of the genomic data in the field of bioinformatics and a useful platform for extracting useful information.

Features of the portal
  • Submitter is required to register on the portal. The submitter's profile information is saved on our datsbase. Each subsequent time the submitter can login to the system by entering login id and password.
  • It allows the submitter to submit a single sequence at a time.
  • For submitting multiple sequence use our "Bulk Submission" link on the home page.
  • This portal accepts sequence data both as text input and as uploaded files.
  • It also saves the history of submissions made by the user marked as "Completed Submission".
  • The submitter can see the report of the submission made at the end which gives the complete details of the entries made by the user.
  • It also sends an email to the user notifying about the new submission.
