ANVAYA Workflow Summary

A Workflow-Pipeline is logical connection of commonly used Bioinformatics tools, which are run either in serial mode or in parallel mode, to achieve a scientific target.

The pipeline is created by dragging appropriate tools from the available tool list, connecting them logically on the design canvas, and then setting the appropriate input-output files and advanced parameters.

How to install and use ANVAYA

  1. Please install JDK from the URL given below:
    URL :

  2. Please click on the Download ANVAYA CLIENT given on the Bio Computing Portal.

  3. Right click on the "AnvayaInstaller.jar" file and select Java(TM) Platform binary to install. Select the installation directory other that OS drive (C:) if it does not allow to install there.

  4. After client installation, Run the program "Anvaya Workflows" from your desktop.

  5. Click the menu option "Server - > Configure Server". Mention "Web Service URL" as and ensure that entry in Secure Port is 9443 and "Secure Channel Enabled" is checked.

  6. Click "Test" and if successful, click "OK".

  7. Click the menu option "User - > Login". Mention your allocated user name and password in the relevant text boxses. (If you don't have user name and password, you are requested to signup using the URL: and register yourself).

  8. Your Configuration is saved successfully
    Your Configuration is saved successfully
    Anvaya Client invoked.

The ANVAYA is successfully configured. Have a nice experience using ANVAYA.

-CABin Team, IASRI